Monday, October 31, 2011


I'm Josi Fernandes, a writer and plastic artist...
Well i could say that it's a pleasure to receive you in my living room but actually i don't even know who you are or what you mean with these suspicious eyes, reading these lines with brow closed. Sincerely i never open up my doors and windows to any person who appears and knocks saying: ''hi may i come in?''... well in this case i just say ''why should i let you become part of my world?'' And, if you don't give me a good reason you are welcome to go ahead and follow you own way.

Actually i'm not the most sweet writer of the world and you will surely see that by yourself  day by day but frankly speaking i really don't care about what you think about me. If you hate or if you love me doesn't matter once i'm a queen in my wonderful dark world of literature and art!
At last... oh i almost forgot it... you are really welcome to sit down and take a cup of tea with me, anise tea is my favorite.. but if you don't apreciate that, it's not my problem!

Sweet kisses

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