Sunday, December 2, 2012


Everytime I walk by I feel their eyes following me, cursing... blaming it on me, on us. That time they were looking like hungry eagles, preparing theirselves to devour the juicy dish, so disgusting! What do you mean by ''DIRTY'' once she's so innocent?

What's so weird? What's so nasty to you? Can't you see you're hurting her with there angry words trying to make her feel guilty? Look her soft face shining like a morning sun when she sees her ''butterfly'' flying by...What do you mean by "CHEAP" once we're looking so great together?

Please stop hunting us with these your guns made by hypocrisy & false conduct becaus nothing is more rotten than pigs under sheep skins, so watch yourselves before pointing the finger to such pure feeling! 

At last, what do you mean by ''SIN'' once we're looking like two angels rising to the heaven on dresses made by red roses?

Free your mind, look at your own rottenness, let the others take care of their own future because you surely are not in it...



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