Thursday, October 31, 2013


So... I could say sorry for my long absence but as you all may know I never say sorry, anyway the last weeks have been full and my precious time's been short. My colorful offline life full of roses also can't be neglected so my sweet posts have been archived for a while. Academic life, business, pet and to keep the corpses hidden under the bed in secret is stressant so I decided to get available also on ASK to make possible a better interaction with Jay. I promisse I will not to desapear for such a long fucking time again, but honestly speaking I dont need to promisse anything or clarify a shit because my private life is not of anyone's fucking business nevertheless one thing is true new and really interesting bloody posts are coming along and the promisse to mess up with your sick mind, sweet readers, so hold on!

What do you wanna know about me? Ask me here:

Jay Babilon

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